Book 1

Bowen Bride

by Nicole Burnham

Published 25 October 2004

Five Steps to Happily Ever After...
(by Katie Schmidt, chronically unmarried bridal shop owner)

1) Find down-to-earth divorced dad Jared Porter standing in your shop, looking like a bull in a china shop.

2) Try to ignore the sizzle in the air as you casually discuss his just-engaged but far-too-young-to-get-married daughter.

3) Invite him to renovate your shop, giving him a chance to keep tabs on his daughter's impending nuptials.

4) Discover that after-hours in a bridal shop is the ideal time to steal some heart-stopping kisses.

5) Make sure the dress you are designing-trimmed with that special Bowen Bride happily-ever-after thread-is a perfect fit...for you!