False Prophet

by Steven Taylor

Published 31 January 2004
From 1988 through to 1993, guitarist/vocalist Steven Taylor toured the US and Europe with the alternative rock group, False Prophets, keeping a detailed journal with the intent of documenting the role of musicians in the international anarchist youth movement. His fieldnotes form the core of the book, accounting with honesty and aplomb the sometimes hilarious, sometimes harrowing, always engaging highs and lows of life on the road. "False Prophet" situates punk, and the diary itself, in relation to contemporary critiques of identity and ethnographic representation and links punk's emergence to the oral poetry renaissance of the 1950s, free-jazz and the do-it-yourself trend set by underground filmmakers in the 1960s. It provides a theoretically informed account of a little understood genre of popular music and a rare, intimate view into the everyday life of a working band. The audio CD contains some of False Prophets most popular cuts.