Book 6

Franklin and the Hero

by Paulette Bourgeois

Published 1 October 2000
While on their way to meet their favorite superhero, Dynaroo, Franklin and Snail stop to help their neighbor, Mrs. Muskrat, get into her home after she loses her keys.

Book 29

In this Franklin Classic Storybook, our hero is a very lucky turtle. He has the best friends, the best little sister, the best goldfish and, of course, the best mother. But when he discovers that his mother's birthday is coming up, he can't find the best present. After giving it some serious thought, Franklin decides to do everything for his mom. On the morning of her birthday he takes her breakfast in bed, makes a brooch, draws a picture and cuts fresh flowers from the garden! And then Franklin gives his mom a great big hug and says, "I love you" -- which is, of course, the best gift of all.

Franklin Is Bossy

by Paulette Bourgeois

Published 1 July 1993
Franklin has lots of friends and one best friend named Bear. They play tag, hopscotch and ball. But Franklin always wants to pick the game and make the rules. No one wants to play with him -- he's too bossy! In this Classic Franklin Storybook, Franklin learns he can't always have his own way.

Franklin Fibs

by Paulette Bourgeois

Published 21 March 1991
Franklin the turtle learns it is always better to tell the truth after he claims he can swallow seventy-six flies in the blink of an eye.

Franklin Has a Sleepover

by Paulette Bourgeois

Published 10 January 1992
Franklin invites his best friend, Bear, to a sleepover, the very first for each of them.

Franklin Is Messy

by Paulette Bourgeois

Published 1 January 1995
Franklin's room is so messy he can't even find his favorite toys until his parents propose a solution.

Franklin Forgets

by Paulette Bourgeois

Published 1 June 2000

In this Franklin Classic Storybook, our hero goes to the hospital for an operation to repair his broken shell, and everyone thinks he's being very brave. But Franklin is only pretending to be fearless. He's worried that his X-rays will show just how frightened he is inside. With the help of Dr. Bear, Franklin learns that even though he's feeling scared, he can still be brave.

In this Franklin Activity Book, it's Franklin's very first time at day camp and his tummy is doing flip-flops. What will he do there? Will he have fun? On the first day, they have a picnic. The second day is Hat Day. By the end of the week, Franklin has had so much fun that he's already looking forward to next year!

Franklin in the Dark

by Paulette Bourgeois

Published 30 June 1986
A turtle afraid of small dark places, and therefore of crawling into his shell, asks a variety of animals for advice, only to find out that each has a fear of its own.

Franklin Wants a Pet

by Paulette Bourgeois

Published 1 March 1995
Franklin the turtle wants a pet and when his parents finally agree, they are surprised at the pet that Franklin chooses.

Franklin's Halloween

by Paulette Bourgeois

Published 1 September 1996
Franklin and his friends are excited about the Halloween party. But things get scary when Franklin begins to think that there might be a real ghost at the party in this Franklin Classic Storybook.

At the beginning of spring, Franklin and all his friends have training wheels on their bikes. But soon Franklin is the only one who can't ride without them. Every time he tries he falls down, and he's beginning to get discouraged. His mom finally convinces him to keep with it, and Franklin finally rides on his own.

Franklin is very excited when he finds a camera. He knows he should locate the owner and return the camera, but his friends tell him finders keepers. However, with his father's encouragement, Franklin decides to find out who the owner is--and that takes some clever sleuthing. Full color.

Franklin's Secret Club

by Paulette Bourgeois

Published 1 January 1998
In this Franklin Classic Storybook, our hero discovers a hideaway --- perfect for a secret club --- but there's only room for four members. Soon Franklin becomes so busy with his Secret Club that he forgets about his other friends. When Beaver starts her own club, Franklin learns how it feels to be left out.

Franklin and Harriet

by Paulette Bourgeois

Published 1 February 2001
In this Franklin Classic Storybook, Franklin likes being a big brother ... most of the time. But when his little sister, Harriet, wants to play with his favorite stuffed animal, Franklin doesn't want to share. As they tug at the toy, something terrible happens. It rips! Franklin's mother fixes it, but he remains angry and hides the toy in his closet. Then Franklin discovers it's not the toy that makes Harriet happy --- it's her big brother who brings a smile to her face. Franklin decides that maybe sharing isn't so bad after all.

In this Franklin Classic Storybook, Franklin is afraid of thunderstorms. When a storm approaches while he is playing at Fox's house, a flash of lightning sends Franklin into his shell. He refuses to come out -- even for snacks -- until his friends make him laugh with their tall tales about what causes storms. And when Beaver explains what really causes thunder and lightning, Franklin begins to feel much safer.

In this Franklin Classic Storybook, it's Valentine's Day and Franklin can't wait to give his friends the cards he has made. But when he gets to school, he discovers that they're missing. Franklin is heartbroken and worried that now his friends won't want to give him any cards. Big hearts prevail and Franklin soon learns that he has very good friends -- and that he can be a good friend, too.

In this Franklin Classic Storybook, Franklin can't decide what to donate to his school's Christmas toy drive. At first, all of his toys seem too special to give away, then nothing seems special enough. With some inspiration from his Great Aunt Harriet, Franklin finally comes up with the perfect gift.