1001 Pearls of Yoga Wisdom

by Liz Lark

Published 22 February 2008
Many people view yoga simply as a series of postures to help keep them fit, toned and supple, or to help them relax. However, the asanas (postures) are actually only one of the many aspects of yoga that can help set us on the path to a happier, more fulfilling life. This compact, colourful book brings together the most fascinating facets of yoga thought and practice in a friendly and accessible way - from morning energizers and ways to remain focused at work, to techniques to aid relaxation and restful sleep. With asanas, meditations, breathing exercises, mantras and mudras for every occasion - interspersed with inspiring quotes from classical Eastern texts and modern gurus - this yoga treasure trove will bring you increased balance, compassion and insight, as well as improved strength, flexibility and physical well-being.