The profileration of home video and accompanying advances in camcorders translates into a need for a reliable, technician-level repair guide. This popular, bestselling manual is completely updated to account for recent developments. In addition, flowcharts are added throughout this information-packed, well-illustrated guide. Electronics guru Homer Davidson provides practical, hands-on troubleshooting and repair techniques, covering such topics as control systems; video, servo, motor, and audio circuits; mechanical tape operation; parts removal and replacement; and mechanical adjustments.

The most popular microwave oven service manual ever written, this best-selling guide has been completely updated and improved with new what-to-do-when flowcharts and hundreds of easy-to-read illustrations to make repairs fast and easy in this money-making area of electronics. It gives you complete coverage of repair solutions for all makes and models, including lists of typical problems and where to check for them. You'll also get complete information on needed tools and test equipment, guidance on finding parts, instructions for handling "tough dog" problems, and a full chapter of all-new case histories of real microwave open repairs.

This is a complete guide to professional electronic troubleshooting and repair divided into three sections: beginning, intermediate and advanced. It is full of technically accurate material developed from the author's own extensive experience in the field.

This guide to troubleshooting and repairing electronic circuits without schematic diagrams has been revised to be part of the TAB Electronics Technician Library, with special troubleshooting flowcharts added.