Book 403

Parents Wanted!

by Ruth Jean Dale

Published 1 June 1999

Instant family?

Jessica Reynolds has a wonderful daddy. Matt Reynolds is big, strong, handsome and kind. But when it comes to girl stuff he... well, he could use help! Her best friend, Zach, has a great mother. Laura Gilliam is sweet, pretty and single.... What if she and Zach could get her dad and his mom together?

Unfortunately there's just one problem with the young matchmakers' plan-Matt and Laura find each other infuriating! In fact, the only thing they have in common is that they'd do anything for their children...but they never expected that to include marriage!

Book 439

Fiance Wanted!

by Ruth Jean Dale and Lilian Darcy

Published 1 March 2000

Katy Andrews was going to a family reunion where she knew her life just wouldn't be worth living she didn't take a man. Trouble was, all the decent men she knoew were too old, too young or too married, which left her with only one option...

Laid-back rancher Dylan Cole was the man Katy loved to hate. They rarely managed to be in the same room for long without arguing! Now they had to call a truce long enough to convince Katy's family that they were engaged.

But then they began to enjoy their pretend relationship a little too much...