The Piemakers

by Helen Cresswell

Published 1 January 1973
Arthy, Jem and Gravella Roller are the finest pie-makers in Danby Dale, famed for their perfect pastry and fantastic fillings. So when they're asked to make a special pie for the king, which will feed two hundred people, the Rollers are thrown into a frenzy of excited preparations. This will be the best ever Danby Dale pie! But unfortunately, wicked Uncle Crispin, a rival pie maker, has different plans for the Rollers' pie...plans that include an extra large helping of pepper...

Lizzie Dripping

by Helen Cresswell

Published 1 January 1920
Everyone in the village where Lizzie lives thinks that she's a dreamer - so it's no wonder that they don't believe her when she says she's seen a witch. But Lizzie doesn't care because she knows it's true and having a witch for a friend makes life much more exciting.

·Helen Cresswell is a well-known writer and has written more than forty books. She has adapted stories such as The Phoenix and the Carpet and The Demon Head master for television.