Book 1

Blue Reasoning

by Robert N Stephenson

Published 20 June 2019

Book 2

The Mess in My Head

by Robert N Stephenson

Published 5 April 2019
This collection of short stories captures a time when the author was at his worst with clinical depression (bipolar) and the medication levels were not quite right. All of these stories display more a state of mind rather than any visionary insights into the conditions and how the author dealt with problems arising from the illness.

The interesting thing would be what was being imagined at a time when the mind wasn't working in a positive or even productive fashion. It isn't impossible to write fictions when your mind is in crash mode, but it is difficult.

This collection features strange stories, mad stories, visions that are macabre and insights that are touching.

500 000 words were written in the short story format and while some are available in other collections, all these are unique to this collection. The Mess in My Head is a journey and one that unexpectedly delivers on its promise. To be strange.

Book 3

To An Untrained Mind is a collection of short stories, poems and articles by Robert N Stephenson. These are works written over a 20 year period and have never before been seen, or published. These are imperfect appearances, there are faults with them all, from spellings to typos, from accidents in science and the limitations of knowledge. This book was not created to wow the reader with its prowess but more created to warehouse decades of material.

If you have a copy, then you do indeed have a rare bird. Like the old Saab's Robert loves to own and drive, this book is also limited.

Severe mental illness has distorted some visions and limited some expressions but never let you be controlled by such conditions, rather take control of them and thrive.

The cover for this volume of imperfections is by the incomparable Conny Valentina and inside the image is another story.

Rejoice in discovery, and forgive in measure.