This guide to Barbados provides practical travel information, candid reviews and historical and cultural details. There are tips on finding the best beaches, features on the island's history, its rum distilleries, and cricket. There is a strong section on sport, including hiking/walking routes.


by Adam Vaitilingam

Published 29 October 1998


by Adam Vaitilingam

Published 26 November 1998
A pocket handbook to the island, featuring: lively accounts of every sight; reviews of the best accommodation, restaurants, clubs and resorts; and practical tips on activities. The guide also includes full coverage of Barbuda.

A handbook to the islands of Antigua with entertaining accounts of every attraction, from the busy streets of St Johns to the white-sand beaches that edge Barbuda. The guide also includes critical reviews of the best accommodation, restaurants and resorts, plus coverage of the August carnival.