teach yourself Saving Energy in the Home offers you straightforward and achievable strategies for reducing your energy bills and living a more environmentally aware life. With lots of useful tools to assess your energy and carbon use, it gives practical advice on everything from heating homes to managing those teenage consumers. Content includes: With lots of useful tools to assess your energy and carbon use, it gives practical advice on everything from heating homes to managing those teenage consumers. Content includes: -Energy-saving actions categorized into 'no cost', 'low cost' and 'investment' actions. -Detailed installation costs and savings provided to assist the reader in making more effective decisions. -Topical issues, such as HIPs and smart metering covered. -For the more ambitious guidance is provided on the most effective ways of generating your own power. -Beyond the bricks and mortar, suggestions are also provided on green driving and being more sustainable in the garden. -Resource sections provide plenty of suggestions for further investigation and assistance.