Bella's New Baby

by Sue Fliess

Published 12 January 2016
A Little Golden Book about a happy family milestone: a new baby!
When Bella hears she’s going to be a big sister, she pictures all the fun she’ll have with a sweet baby girl. But the new baby turns out to be a boy! Bella is disappointed at...Read more

Un libro en rima, entre los más vendidos de los Little Golden Books, acerca de una pequeña niña que estudia ballet — ¡ahora en español!

Únete al regocijo de una niña que va a clase de ballet y luego participa en su primer recital.  Un libro rimado y...Read more

How to Be a Pirate

by Sue Fliess

Published 1 January 2014
Ahoy, landlubber! Come with me.
Board me ship upon the sea!
Not a pirate? Don't know how?
Ye can learn to be one now!

Little landlubbers get to earn their sea legs on a pirate ship amidst the goofiest pirates ever. There's lingo to learn (Gangway! Blimey!...Read more

The Hug Book

by Sue Fliess

Published 23 December 2014
This sweet Little Golden Book explores all of the different kinds of hugs! 
From Mommy hugs, Daddy hugs, hello hugs, and welcome home hugs, this charming story features loving families and friends hugging for all kinds of wonderful reasons!

Hugs are special. Hugs are free. Will...Read more

I'm a Ballerina!

by Sue Fliess

Published 14 July 2015
A little girl invites us into her ballet class, and later performs onstage (gulp!) in her first recital. Young readers will enjoy seeing what happens in a class, and young ballerinas will see themselves in this book.

Robots, Robots Everywhere!

by Sue Fliess

Published 1 January 2013
The bestselling Little Golden Book all about robots!
Robots are everywhere in this bright and funny board book – and preschoolers are going to love it! Whether up in space, beneath the seas, or even under couches, award-winning illustrator Bob Staake’s bold and colorful bots make this book...Read more

Puppy Princess

by Sue Fliess

Published 12 July 2016
Little ones will delight in this witty tale of a pampered puppy living in the lap of luxury!
I’m the princess in this town.
That’s my castle. Here’s my crown. . . .
So begins a day in the life of a bubbly show dog as...Read more

How to Be a Superhero

by Sue Fliess

Published 22 July 2014
KA-POW! Here’s a mighty new Little Golden Book about a boy superhero!
A boy asks Captain Mighty what it takes to become a hero. There’s a costume to choose and a power to develop. But most of all, it takes smarts and heart! It’s not long before the...Read more

A Little Golden Book about how to be a princess inside and out!

Being a princess requires many skills, and now thanks to Little Golden Books, there is a way to learn them all. Join little Claire as she spends the day with a real princess, learning everything...Read more

I'm a Figure Skater!

by Sue Fliess

Published 14 September 2021
A rhyming Little Golden Book introducing young readers to the joy of figure skating.

First I wobble, hold the wall.
Coach says it's okay to fall.
Though I'm still a bit unsteady,
I let go. I'm feeling ready.

So begins a young girl's love of...Read more

I'm a Gymnast!

by Sue Fliess

Published 10 May 2022
A rhyming Little Golden Book introducing young readers to the sport of gymnastics.

Classes start this afternoon . . .
I’ll become a gymnast soon!
Mommy helps me brush my hair
and find a leotard to wear.
So begins a young girl's love of gymnastics. This rhyming Little Golden Book...Read more