Book 4

Deeper Than the Grave

by Tina Whittle

Published 4 November 2014
It's taken almost a year, but Tai Randolph has her new life together. She's running a semi-successful Atlanta gun shop catering to Civil War re-enactors. Her lover, the sexy-if-security-obsessed Trey Seaver, is sorting out his challenges. There's not a single corpse on her horizon, and her previously haphazard existence is finally stable, secure... and unsurprising. Then a tornado blows by a Kennesaw Mountain cemetery, scattering the skeletal remains of a Confederate hero. Assisting the bones recovery effort is a job her late Uncle Dexter would have relished, as does Tai. Does she hit the jackpot on discovering a jumble of bones in the underbrush? No. The bones reveal a more recent murder, with her deceased uncle leading the suspect list. As Tai struggles to clear Dexter's name-and save the business he left her-she uncovers deadly secrets were also buried in the red Georgia clay. And realizes there's a live murderer on the loose, a clever killer who has tried to conceal the crimes of the present in the stories of the past. As she risks her own life to unravel two mysteries-one from a previous century, one literally at her doorstep-Tai rediscovers her dangerous taste for murder and mayhem.

Blood, Ash, and Bone

by Tina Whittle

Published 5 March 2013
Tai Randolph doesn't want to hear about homicide. She's had enough of the dark and the dangerous, and decides some time out of Atlanta is exactly what she needs to put the recent spate of corpses behind her. It's a idyllic vision - selling her wares at the Savannah Civil War Expo, attending a few Confederate re - enactments, perhaps a little romantic rendezvousing with Trey, who has agreed to put aside the corporate security agent routine and join her for a long weekend in her hometown. But in the South, the past is never past. It tends to rise again. In Tai's case, it shows up as her tattooed heartbreaker of an ex - boyfriend, desperate for her help. He spins a tale of betrayal, deceit, and a stolen Civil War artifact that Tai agrees to help him recover. Suddenly, Trey's on the case too, representing a competing - and well - moneyed - client with eyes on the same mythical prize. As the lovers square off against each other, Tai discovers that her complicated boyfriend makes an even more intriguing adversary, revealing a ferociously competitive streak under his cool Armani exterior.
But where there's money, there's usually murder, this time involving the KKK and Tai's unapologetically unreconstructed kinfolk. As she unravels the clues to a 150 - year - old mystery, she digs up secrets from her own past - and Trey's - forcing a confrontation with a ruthless killer, and with her own willingness to do whatever it takes to save everything that matters.

Dangerous Edge of Things

by Tina Whittle

Published 1 February 2011
Tai Randolph thinks inheriting a Confederate - themed gun shop is her biggest headache - until she finds a murdered corpse in her brother's driveway. Even worse, her supposedly respectable brother begins behaving in decidedly non - innocent ways, like fleeing to the Bahamas and leaving her with both a homicide in her lap and the pointed suspicions of the Atlanta PD directed her way. Suddenly, she has to worry about clearing her own name, not just that of her wayward sibling. Complicating her search for answers is Trey Seaver, field agent for Phoenix, an exclusive corporate security firm hired to investigate the crime. Trey is fearless, focused, and - much to Tai's dismay - utterly impervious to bribes, threats and clever deceptions. Still in recovery from the car accident that left him cognitively and emotionally damaged, Trey has constructed a world of certainty and routine. He has powerful people to answer to, and the last thing he wants is an unpredictable stranger "detecting" on Phoenix turf. Tai's inquiry leads her from the cold - eyed glamour of Atlanta's adult entertainment scene to the gilded treachery of Tuxedo Road.
Potential suspects abound, including violent stalkers, vengeful sisters, and a paparazzo with a taste for meth. But it takes another murder - and threats to her own life - to make Tai realize that to solve this crime, she has to trust the most dangerous man she's ever met.

Darker Than Any Shadow

by Tina Whittle

Published 1 January 2012
The dog days of summer have arrived, and Tai Randolph is feeling the heat. Running her uncle's gun shop is more demanding than she imagined. Her best friend from childhood, Rico, is competing for a national slam poetry title worth a bundle. And Atlanta is overrun with fame-hungry performance poets clogging all the good bars. Tai is also handling her new relationship with corporate security agent Trey Seaver. SWAT-trained and rule-obsessed, his brain rewired by a devastating car crash, Trey is geared for statistics and flow charts, not romance. And while Tai finds him fascinating, dating a human lie detector who can kill with his bare hands is a precarious endeavor. Then one of Rico's fellow poets is murdered...and Rico becomes the prime suspect. Tai, springing to his defense with every trick in her book-a little lying here, some snooping there-quickly learns all the poets harbor secrets. And someone has an agenda that's either positively heroic or downright deadly....