A Dalesman's Diary

by W. R. Mitchell

Published 6 April 1989

Apart from his native Yorkshire Dales, Bill Mitchell also loves, and travels yearly to, Scotland. Every spring, Bill and his friends travel north across the border to explore some region of Scotland - one year the Isle of Arran, another year the Great Glen - moving ever northwards to their ultimate goal of Muckle Flugga in the Shetlands. This book travels through a relatively unspolit wilderness which should appeal to the armchair dreamers as much as to those who share the author's affinity with remote places. "It's a Long Way to Muckle Flugga" shows the author and his friends sailing out from Ardrossan on the Firth of Clyde, to the moment when they gaze at the rocky outposts of Muckle Flugga.