
An illustrated guide to slugs and snails, this book serves as a field guide to the friendly slimy creatures. Covering everything from snail sex to the importance of slugs in the ecosystem, author David George Gordon takes readers on a journey through the slow and magical world of this gentle species. Including everything from short essays such as 'Grow Your Own Escargot' to informational chapters like 'Look Ma, No Operculum!,' this book is packed with information, without the dull tone of a textbook. In the 'Seven Secrets' section, Gordon unveils unknown facts, such as how many snails and slugs are hermaphroditic, born with both male and female reproductive systems. If necessary, they can reproduce on their own - and do so all the time! Slugs and snails are also of particular regional fascination - the Olympic Peninsula is a hotbed for gastropods, housing 70 different kinds, including a whopping 56 kinds of slug and snail species.