The Real Life Guide to Working Outdoors looks in detail at what it takes to train for, get into and be successful at this hands-on career. Presented in a lively and informative format, this guide motivates both school leavers and adults by providing candid but rich advice from people who work in the industry, as well as practical advice on what qualifications you need to succeed. The book includes chapters on jobs in the land-based and environment sectors, the personal qualities needed to succeed, pay holidays and promotion, and training and resources. The Real Life Guide to Working Outdoors allows you to gain every possible insight into the industry in order to determine whether it's the right career area for you. The book also features a frank description of the career, including the highs and lows of the job; top tips from those working within the industry; examples of typical working days; advice on qualifications, training, work experience and where to look for jobs; guidance on the skills and strengths needed; a quiz to explore aptitude and relevant skills; information on the job opportunities available and a list of contacts and resources for further information. Real Life Guides are practical guides for practical people. Each guide looks in detail at what it takes to train for, get into and be successful at a wide range of hands-on careers. Real Life Guides aim to inform and inspire you by providing comprehensive yet hard-hitting information about what it takes to succeed in these fields.

Hospitality and events management prove very popular careers choices as they often involve working with a lot of people sometimes in a glamorous environment and with lots of opportunities to travel. This book presents the industry in a completely realistic and factual way so that people who are interested in pursuing a career can have the hard facts about daily work, salaries, career progression, training and the real skills you will have to possess to enjoy a fulfilling and successful career. The book includes quizzes to test your knowledge of the industry and decide if it's what you really want to do. Real Life Guides are practical guides for practical people. Each guide looks at what it takes to train for, get into and be successful at a wide range of hands-on careers. Real Life Guides aim to inform and inspire young people and adults alike by providing comprehensive yet hard-hitting information about what it takes to succeed in these fields.

Working in this broad sector throws up a multitude of amazing opportunities to give other people a better quality of life. From caring for the elderly, to counselling, to helping rehabilitate offenders this sector presents challenging and rewarding jobs for someone who wants to give something back and relishes the thought of caring and supporting others. Need to know how to get your career started? Want to hear from professionals in the sector about their own real life experiences? Real Life Guides: Care, Welfare & Community Work is a straight-talking guide contains the essential information to get your dream career in care, welfare and community work off the ground! Real Life Guides are practical guides for practical people. They aim to inform and inspire by providing comprehensive yet hard-hitting information about what it takes to succeed in a job field.

This is a useful and clearly presented guide for people considering going into one of the armed forces. It is divided into sections on the Army, Navy and Air Force with detailed descriptions of training and job prospects as well as the ranking and titles within each sector. The book also contains case studies of people who describe their training and what their job entails to give a real insight into the career. Added to this is information regarding what personal qualities are needed to be successful such as the ability to work as a team and to respect authority. The book shows all the different job levels you can enter with whatever qualifications you may or may not have. Real Life Guides aim to inform and inspire young people and adults alike by providing comprehensive yet hard-hitting information about what it takes to succeed at a wide range of hands-on careers.

Armed Forces

by Nick Higgins

Published 1 July 2004
Presented in a lively and informative format, this Real Life Guide will inspire school leavers and adults alike by providing fascinating case studies and quotes from people who work in the armed forces as well as practical advice on what qualifications you need to succeed. The Real Life Guide to the Armed Forces will allow readers to gain every possible insight into the armed forces in order to determine whether it's the right career area for them. The title also features: a frank description of each career; top tips from those working within the industry; examples of typical working days; advice on qualifications, training, work experience and where to look for jobs; guidance on the skills and strengths needed; a quiz to explore aptitude and relevant skills; information on the job opportunities available and a list of contacts and resources for further information.