Book 1

Book 3

Find out what Mark Hitchcock means when he says there is an Antichrist alive today, right now, in this generation! Easy to read and biblically solid, Hitchcock's fascinating resource illuminates what the Bible says about the Antichrist and explains how the prophecies about him strikingly foreshadow today's events: 1) the rise of the European Union; 2) the peace process in Israel; 3) the rush toward globalization; 4) the technology and desire for a worldwide identification system; 5) the movement to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem

Book 4

Two days before He died, Jesus gave His closest followers a sweeping panorama of earth's final days. Responding to questions about the end times, Jesus' great speech on the Mount of Olives described the tribulation and His second coming - and offered several famous parables of practical application for the disciples. In a powerful indication of His priorities, Jesus devoted twice as much time to telling His followers how to live in light of His return as he did to describing the actual event. Readers will be inspired and equipped to live faithfully in expectation of Christ's coming.

Book 6

Writing 2,500 years ago, the prophet Ezekiel predicted a Russian-Islamic invasion of Israel in the last days. The third book in Mark Hitchcock's fascinating prophecy series explains the relevance of this prediction to today's world. First, he establishes how the current global scene sets the stage for this event and focuses on the identity of the invading nations (those mentioned in Ezekiel are like a Who's Who of Israel's current enemies). Hitchcock then considers the time and motives for their attack. Finally, he discusses God's dramatic intervention that will pave the way for the Antichrist's worldwide empire.

Second Coming of Babylon

by Mark Hitchcock

Published 14 February 2003
The Bible says that Babylon will be rebuilt and become the economic center of the world. Even now the ruins of the ancient city - just sixty miles south of Baghdad, Iraq - are quietly stirring. What does it mean for America? For Israel? For every person alive today? Are we living in the last days of earth as we know it? Find out, from Bible prophecy expert Mark Hitchcock. . . 1. How the focus of the world will shift back to Babylon 2. How Antichrist will make Babylon his capital 3. How the kingdoms of earth will fade as Babylon rises 4. How the false powers of Antichrist will grow 5. How prophecy will be fulfilled - and Babylon finally destroyed!

For many believers, the subject of the End Times stirs confusion, apprehension, and dread. No longer! This user-friendly manual answers 101 of the most frequently asked questions about everything from the Pre-Tribulation Rapture, the Antichrist, and Tribulation to the Second Coming and the Millennium. Prophecy expert Mark Hitchcock offers a biblically authoritative resource for understanding God's plan and a reason for peace instead of anxiety about each believer's role in it.

‘The End Is Near!’

Or is it? The Antichrist is alive and well today! Or is he? The church is about to be raptured and will certainly escape the tribulation.... right?

When it comes to the End Times, there’s so much confusion. Preachers with elaborate charts share their theories about Revelation and other prophetic books of the Bible. “Ah, Babylon stands for the United States ,” they say. But then other teachers share their theories: “No, Babylon stands for the Roman Catholic Church, or the European Union, or the literal Babylon rebuilt in Iraq ….”

Would somebody please shoot straight with me?

Finally, someone has. Gifted scholar and pastor Mark Hitchcock walks you gently through Bible prophecy in an engaging, user-friendly style. Hitchcock’s careful examination of the topic will leave you feeling informed and balanced in your understanding of events to come…in our time?