Book 1

Canaletto's feet have barely touched English soil when he narrowly escapes robbery and death. His saviour is an enterprising young woman named Fanny Rooker, who has been awaiting his arrival. But someone is out to kill him. Could it have anything to do with the scandal surrounding Westminster Bridge -- a bridge on which Caneletto makes a truly grisly discovery?

Book 2

Book 3

The third novel in the series in which famous Italian artist Canaletto plays sleuth in London in the 1740s.When Canaletto is commissioned to paint Badminton Park, the home of the Duke of Beaufort, he has no idea of the intrigue he is stepping into. But as soon as news of the commission leaks out, he is approached by WIlliam Pitt, the Paymaster General, and asked to act as spy.The English establishment is still very nervous about the threat posed by Bonnie Prince Charlie, now living in exile on the Continent. They are convinced that he will be visiting Badminton Park to drum up the support of his old friend the Duke, to start another civil war. Canaletto arrives to find the stately home already the centre of more domestic troubles. Troubles which lead to murder.