Tales of a Hollywood Virgin

by Victoria Lane

Published 1 January 1900
Part of the "Cutting Edge" series, "Tales of a Hollywood Virgin" is a gritty, honest and hard-hitting quick read for teens and young adults who find conventional fiction irrelevant to them or too hard to read. Veronica lives in Hollywood, a town full of predators, fast lane lifestyles and big dreams. A normal teenage girl, she navigates the already challenging task of growing up in a place where the temptation is endless and the sex is sordid. At stake is Veronics's innocence, and in a time when naivety is no longer a protection against the world, there's a heavy price to pay. The fast-moving, character-focused narrative delves right to the heart of a tougher side of life. Packed with drama and emotion from one page to the next, readers will be truly compelled by this gripping and satisfying story. Carefully chosen fonts, simple layout and controlled vocabulary help carry readers from beginning to end without any hint of chore-factor creeping in.