Book 2

A detailed report on excavations carried out at the site of St Gregory's Priory that revealed two major ecclesiastical buildings. The earliest church, founded by Archbishop Lanfranc in AD 1084 became a priory in 1133; it was rebuilt after a great fire in 1145, probably under the patronage of Archbishop Theobald, and was eventually dissolved in 1537. This large report outlines the historical and archaeological sequence at the site, describing the remains of the various structures recovered (including the church, chapter house, cloister, infirmary, refectory, courtyards), the architectural fragments and small finds.

Book 7

The first of four books on excavations in the Whitefriars area of Canterbury, this report describes the development of the Augustinian friary from c 1325 to its demise following the Dissolution. Combining stratigraphic analysis with documentary sources, environmental and artefact assemblages, the book seeks to illustrate the history of the friary and its immediate environs and gain an undertanding of the people who lived and worked there.