"The ZigZag" books are designed to introduce a subject to kindergarten and first grade kids in a way that will capture their imaginations, and encourage them to ZigZag down other paths to find out more, all with a healthy dose of humor and irreverance guaranteed to get their attention. Written in easy-to-read language, and illustrated by photographs that have been artfully, humorously amended to clarify or illuminate, this book tells about how elephants communicate, and what they have to communicate about. Readers will come away with more knowledge than they think - about elephants, habitats, animal communication and more, and it doesn't end there. With their curiosity peaked readers ZigZag to...what if elephants lived in a different habitat? How do other animals communicate? Do an experiment and talk like an elephant!

A Den is a Bed for a Bear

by Becky Baines

Published 9 September 2008
"The ZigZag" books are designed to introduce a subject in a way that will capture their imaginations, and encourage them to ZigZag down other paths to find out more, all with a healthy dose of humor and irreverance guaranteed to get their attention. Written in easy-to-read language, and illustrated by photographs that have been artfully amended to clarify or illuminate, this book tells about bear dens - how, when, and why they are used. Readers will come away with more knowledge than they think - and with their curiosity peaked. Then they ZigZag to...if a den is a bed for a bear, what's a bed for a tiger? Who else hibernates? Imagine a bear in your house...what would make it happy?