The sixth adventure in this compelling manga series.

The future of Turtle Realm hangs in the balance, and the Blue Star Warriors must find a way to infiltrate Uro's most firercely guarded headquarters if they are to have any chance of saving the Pillar of Wind from destruction, and setting their friends free. If the Pillar falls into Uro's clutches then Turtle Realm will spin uncontrollably in space and the planet and all its creatures and people will be lost forever. Thus the Warriors and all the tribal Elders of the Realm devise a strategy to foil Uro's tyrannical plot. Splitting up into three groups, they journey heroically through unknown territory, devastating cold and the hostile mountains to fight for their freedom and lives. Along the way they encounter all manner of dangers, vile monsters and trickery – captured throughout the story in dramatic yet sensitive and emotionally-charged artwork . The stakes could never be higher in this compelling episode in the Vermonia series.