This book provides a comprehensive history of the Australian extreme right as well as an analysis of the pattern this country followed in the creation and shaping of this political group, compared to that of other western countries.

While it will offer a chronological account of its various movements, it will also investigate the reasons why the Australian extreme right failed to gain the same prominence its European counterpart has gathered over the past two centuries. This book will provide an original and critical analysis of the creation of the Australian ethos, which will be argued to have played a major part in preventing the rise of the extreme right through the co-opting of its politics within the mainstream.

The book offers an insightful and innovative account of Australian history, as well as a compelling argument as to the development of the Australian ethos and national identity. It is not only a historical account of the development of the extreme right, it is also an analysis of its impact on contemporary politics. As such, it fills a gap in the existing literature and also adds to the debate regarding the present state of politics in Australia