The Small Business Handbook 2e

by Philip Webb and Sandra Webb

Published 15 December 1998
The new edition of the "Small Business Handbook "charts the entire lifespan of a small business from initially assessing the idea, market evaluation, product/service, raising finance, marketing, technology right through to the tax and legal obligations facing your business. Having successfully guided the reader through the process of starting a business, the book moves on a step to show how to create and manage growth successfully. This fully updated edition looks at the growing pains of setting up a business, solutions to everyday business issues, time and stress management, and the balance between work and home life. 'The number of mainstream business starts in Q1 2000 totalled 111,200, over 10,000 lower than in the same period of 1999. The number of closures in Q1 2000 totalled 108,000, a rise of 9% on a year earlier.'