Book 1

Bobbie Faye Sumrall is self-described Cajun trailer trash from Lake Charles, Louisiana, and she's on a mission. Criminals have kidnapped her good-for-nothing brother, and are demanding her Contraband Queen tiara - the only thing of her mama's she inherited - as ransom. So Bobbie Faye has to outwit the...Read more

Book 2

Bobbie Faye is looking forward to the Lake Charles Contraband Days Festival with balloons, booze, and babies in pirate costumes. Instead, her trailer's flooded, her no-good brother's been kidnapped, and the criminals are demanding her mum's tiara as ransom. Soon Bobbie Faye is committing (unintentional) bank robbery and (fully...Read more

Living single in her trailer was great for a time. But now Bobbie Faye's officially engaged to, and has purchased a home with, the hottest FBI agent on the beat: Trevor Cormier. Even though she still has no idea what he really does on the job, Bobbie Faye has...Read more