The Celtic invasion has taken Claudia’s Roman town by surprise, she quickly flees to the safety of her uncle’s villa. Her family are nowhere to be seen but she finds a familiar face in the shape of Luna - her uncle’s pet dog. But there’s another figure beside Luna, a girl called Briana and she’s a Celt … Will they find friendship despite their differences? 

  • Highly engaging, illustrated picture book to be read out loud to children aged 6–7

  • Ideal for reading aloud at home with your child

  • Helps expose your child to rich language and curriculum-linked vocabulary 

  • Includes key terms from History and the topic area of the Romans

  • Part of the Bug Club reading series used in over 3500 schools

‘These books are a great start to addressing the wider curriculum and the vocabulary issues that schools are identifying.’ - Assistant Head, Primary Academy

The Bug Club Shared books are highly engaging, beautifully illustrated stories designed to be read out loud to children. The programme exposes children to rich, curriculum-linked vocabulary, helping to build an understanding across school subjects and cultivate a love for reading.