Temple Lane had gone out to the Java Seas to marry her fiance, but all her plans fell through when she found someone else had taken her place. In her desperate endeavours to get away from the situation, she met the Dutchman Ryk van Helden - and promptly found she had jumped out of the frying pan into the fire! It was difficult enough being the only white girl for miles around - but the greater problem was how to cope with what she soon recognised as the devastating attraction of her new employer. True, he seemed to look on her as just another of the waifs and strays he was so fond of collecting - and Temple knew he had never forgotten the girl he had once loved, and lost -but nevertheless, he was a man of magnetic appeal, and even if he could remain impervious to the situation, could Temple?

Dragon Bay

by Violet Winspear

Published January 1969

Time of the Temptress

by Violet Winspear

Published 9 September 1977

Brides Lace

by Unknown Author and Violet Winspear

Published 1 July 1984
It was one problem after another for Bliss - her brother was in serious trouble over money, and it looked as if she would have to part with her beloved family home. Then suddenly she was offered a solution to both problems - if she agreed to marry the formidable Greek tycoon Paris Apollonaris. But what kind of a marriage was he offering her? For he made no secret of the fact that he did not love her but merely wanted her. And meanwhile, he had forced his way into her heart. Was there anything but unhappiness is store for Bliss?

Fierce Encounter

by Unknown Author and Jane Donnelly

Published 12 August 1983