Book 1

Equations of Life

by Simon Morden

Published 1 April 2011
Winner of the 2012 Philip K. Dick Award

Samuil Petrovitch is a survivor.

He survived the nuclear fallout in St. Petersburg and hid in the London Metrozone -- the last city in England. He's lived this long because he's a man of rules and logic.

For example,...

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Book 2

Theories Of Flight

by Simon Morden

Published 28 April 2011

THEOREM: Petrovitch has a lot of secrets.
PROOF: Secrets like how to make anti-gravity for one. For another, he's
keeping a sentient computer program on a secret server farm - the same
program that nearly destroyed the Metrozone a few months back.

THEOREM: The city is broken.
PROOF: The people of the...

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Degrees of Freedom

by Simon Morden

Published 1 June 2011
The Six Degrees of Petrovitch

Michael is an AI of incalculable complexity trapped under the remains of Oshicora tower. Petrovitch will free him one day, he just has to trust Michael will still be sane by the time he does.

Maddy and Petrovitch have trust issues. She's left...

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The Curve of the Earth

by Simon Morden

Published 1 January 2013


Post-apocalyptic London, full of street gangs and homeless refugees. A dangerous city needs an equally dangerous saviour.

Step forward Samuil Petrovitch, a genius with extensive cybernetic replacements, a built-in AI with god-like capabilities and a full armoury of Russian swear words. He's dragged the city back from...

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