Book 36

Into the Nebula

by Jean DeWeese

Published 25 July 1995
While exploring an unknown region of space, the U.S.S. "Enterprise" TM encounters a strange nebular dust. Upon further investigation, they discover a planet called Krantin on which the plant and animal life, as well as the civilization are dying. A series of explosions and a ship that simply disappears into thin air lead the crew to believe another group is causing the devastation of the planet. The leader of the planet's society, however, is wary of trusting the starship "Enterprise" crewmembers, and has the away team arrested. With time running out, Data must find a way to save his crewmates or watch as two worlds are destroyed.

The Peace Keepers

by Jean DeWeese

Published 1 August 1988
Exploring a deserted alien spaceship, Lt. Commander Data and Lt. Geordi LaForge suddenly find themselves transported light-years away - into the arms of a suspicious, fearful mob! While Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise search feverishly for the missing crewmen, Data and LaForge discover they are in a station almost identical to the one they were exploring, high in orbit around an earth-type world. Years before, the occupants of that planet accidentally stumbled onto the ship and its advanced technology - and since then, have used its weapons to keep the nations on the planet below disarmed, and at peace. But now, a breakdown in the station's technology threatens their survival. Somehow, Data and LaForge must find a way to restore trust between the planet below and the station's guardians up above - before a final, destructive war breaks out!