Forging a New Future

by Helen Barnes, Jane Parry, and Jane Lakey

Published 2 October 2002
This topical report draws on in-depth interviews with a sample group of people aged 50-64 in four contrasting areas of the UK. It explores their reasons for leaving work, their current activities and the factors that influence these. The report highlights: problems and coping strategies in adjusting to retirement; the importance of family and friendship networks in later life; the impact of unexpected events such as redundancy, ill-health or bereavement; the advantages and drawbacks of involvement in community activities; the policies needed to help people make the most of their retirement. Transitions after 50 series People are living longer, yet increasingly are leaving working life well before the state retirement age. The Joseph Rowntree Fountain programme, Transitions after 50, explores people's experiences, decisions and constraints as they pass from active labour market participation in their middle years towards a new identity in later life. Reports in this series look in particular at issues about work, income and activities beyond work during this period of transition. For other titles in this series, please follow the series link from the main catalogue page.