Oxford Reading Tree
13 total works
Each book includes notes for parents/carers and teaching assistants on the inside covers. Help with childrens reading development is also available at www.oxfordowl.co.uk.
This book is also available as part of a mixed pack of 6 different books or a class pack of 36 books of the same ORT level.
Oxford Reading Tree: Level 8: Fireflies: Modern Day Explorer: Steve Fossett
by Thelma Page, Liz Miles, Gill Howell, Mary Mackill, Lucy Tritton, and Holly Jack
Each book includes notes for parents/carers and teaching assistants on the inside covers. Help with childrens reading development is also available at www.oxfordowl.co.uk.
This book is also available as part of a mixed pack of 6 different books or a class pack of 36 books of the same ORT level.
CD-ROM versions of Fireflies titles are also available as eFireflies.
Each book includes notes for parents/carers and teaching assistants on the inside covers. Help with childrens reading development is also available at www.oxfordowl.co.uk. This book is also available as part of a mixed pack of 6 different books or a class pack of 36 books of the same ORT level.
Oxford Reading Tree: Level 1+: More Fireflies A: Clothes for Rain
by Gill Howell
Books contain inside cover notes to support children in their reading. Help with childrens reading development is also available at www.oxfordowl.co.uk.
Level 2: More Fireflies A: Push and Pull
by David Glover, Penny Glover, Thelma Page, Liz Miles, Gill Howell, Mary Mackill, and Lucy Tritton
Books contain inside cover notes to support children in their reading. Help with childrens reading development is also available at www.oxfordowl.co.uk.
This teacher's guide supports Stages 1 and 2 of the "Oxford Reading Tree" learning scheme. It has been fully revised and updated.
Oxford Reading Tree: Stages 6-10: Robins Storybooks: 8: A Proper Bike
by Mike Poulton and Rod Hunt
Oxford Reading Tree: Levels 3-5: Comprehension Photocopy Masters
by Thelma Page
Oxford Reading Tree: Levels 6-9: Comprehension Photocopy Masters
by Thelma Page
Oxford Reading Tree: Level 11A: TreeTops More Non-Fiction: Lost and Found
by Liz Miles
Books contain inside cover notes to support children in their reading. Help with childrens reading development also available at www.oxfordowl.co.uk.
This book is also available as part of a mixed pack of 6 different books or a class pack of 36 books of the same Oxford Reading Tree level.