God has a master plan for our lives.
It may not seem that way, especially when we stumble and fall. But we aren?t just accidents of nature that God took pity on. Although it may seem like we?re blindly making our way through this world, the truth is that God is guiding us all the way.
Gloria Copeland knows just how hard it is to come to terms with that idea. When she and her husband Kenneth were newlyweds in 1962 they had nothing?no money, no long-term plans, and most important: no God. But then Gloria was given a birthday card with a simple inscription: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matthew 6:33). Something within her shifted into place. She shared her thoughts with Ken who at the time was a nonbeliever. But soon the power of God began to work within him as well. For the first time, they began to connect with God's Master Plan.
There's no question that giving over to God?letting go and letting God's rules take over?is no easy task. But in her trademark inspiring and empowering style, Gloria Copeland shows readers that living a Godly life is within every person's reach, regardless of age, race, background, or circumstance. And when you live a Godly life, God's Master Plan will become more than just a concept?it will become your destiny.
God had a plan for Adam and Eve. God had a plan for Abraham. God had a plan for Jesus. And God has a plan for every one of us.