Book of Secrets

by Chris Roberson

Published 6 August 2009
Spencer Finch is a journalist. He's on the trail of the greatest secret in history. And it'll take more than angels and demons to stop him! Finch is on the hunt for a missing book, encountering along the way cat burglars and mobsters, hackers and monks. At the same time, he's trying to make sense of the legacy left him by his late grandfather, a chest of what appear to be magazines from the golden age of pulp fiction, and even earlier. Following his nose, Finch gradually uncovers a mystery involving a lost Greek play, secret societies, generations of masked vigilantes! and an entire secret history of mankind. It's like The Da Vinci Code retold by the Coen Brothers in a summer blockbuster blur. FILE UNDER: Thriller [Conspiracy! / Ancient Mysteries / Pulp Fiction / Blow Your Mind]