Modern achievements in the intensively developing field of applied mathematics are presented in this monograph. In particular, it proposes a new approach to extremal problem theory for nonlinear operators, differential-operator equations and inclusions, and for variational inequalities in Banach spaces. An axiomatic study of nonlinear maps (including multi-valued ones) is given, and the properties of resolving operators for systems, consisting of operator and differential-operator equations, are stated in nonlinear-map terms. The solvability conditions and the properties of extremal problem solutions are obtained, while their weak expansions and necessary conditions of optimality in variational inequality form are formulated. In addition. the monograph proposes regularization methods and approximation schemes. This book is adressed to scientists, graduates and undergraduates who are interested in nonlinear analysis, control theory, system analysis and differential equations.

This book offers the foundations of system analysis as an applied scientific methodology assigned for the investigation of complex and highly interdisciplinary problems. It presents the basic definitions and the methodological and theoretical basis of formalization and solution processes in various subject domains. It describes in detail the methods of formalizing the system tasks and reducing them to a solvable form under real-world conditions.