Book 8

Istanbul Protocol

by United Nations

Published 1 March 2003
Although international human rights and humanitarian law consistently prohibit torture under any circumstance, torture and ill-treatment are practiced in more than half the world's countries. This manual was developed to enable states to address one of the most fundamental concerns in protecting individuals from torture - effective documentation. The Istanbul Protocol is intended to serve as international guidelines for investigating cases of alleged torture and for reporting findings to the judiciary or any other investigative body.

v. 5.

This publication is part of a package of materials on the conduct of human rights training programmes for police and law enforcement officials, in accordance with the approach developed by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. It includes guidance on effective approaches to human rights training such as learning objectives, participatory techniques, preparation of lesson plans and visual aids, and making presentations; an introduction to human rights; a glossary of terms; and session outlines on a full range of human rights topics; as well as selected court materials and model course programmes.