Get the Scoop on Animal Blood

by Dawn Cusick

Published 7 November 2017
Have you ever wondered why bugs have green blood? Or how vampire bats drink blood for meals? Get The Scoop on Animal Blood gives you all the gory, scientific details on what flows in animals veins.

This book is hot blooded! And cold blooded! And green blooded! In fact, when you dive into...Read more

Learn amazingly icky facts, see the yucky photos, and gross out everyone you can!

Welcome to a world filled with snot otters, puss caterpillars, spitting spiders, slime stars, snotties, and more! In Get the Scoop, you'll learn that snot, spit, and slime may seem gross, but there's a lot...

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Brains are awesome, and a little gross, making them a perfect topic for kids!

Featuring 251 animal brain facts, Get the Scoop on Animal Brains digs deep and scoops out tons of fun facts about how animals use their brains to eat, find shelter, avoid predators, and survive....Read more