Would You Rather
1 total work
Would You Rather Have the Teeth of a T-Rex or the Armour of an Ankylosaurus?
by Camilla de le Bedoyere
Would you rather have teeth like a T-rex, a face like a triceratops, a neck like a mamenchisaurus or armour like an ankylosaurus?
If you had teeth like a T-rex it would take ages to brush each one, not only did they have 50 flesh shearing teeth, but each was the size of a banana!
Explore the fabulous world of dinosaurs through fun and hilarious scenarios with a Would you Rather? question approach. Discover the fascinating habits of dinosaurs and decide what you'd rather eat, where you'd rather live and what super senses you'd rather have.
With no wrong or right answer, there and are endless possibilities for discussion and extra facts and notes at the end of book encourage the reader to come up with their own questions.
The brand new Would You Rather? series includes the following titles:
Dine with a Dung Beetle or Lunch with a Maggot? 978-1-78493-193-3
Have a Shark for a Sister or a Ray for a Brother? 978-1-78493-194-0
Shake like a Dog or Climb like a Cat? 978-1-78493-195-7
Have the Teeth of a T-Rex or the Armour of an Ankylosaurus? 978-1-78493-196-4