In all probability, the most important socially responsive design that an architect can pursue and probably the most difficult to perform as well. The primary purpose of all featured buildings is education and this ranges from tertiary institutions; colleges; schools; museums; and pre-school facilities.

Transport Spaces

by Antique Collectors' Club

Published 1 January 1999
This publication examines pictorially the wa y architects have designed buildings to facilitate the movem ent of people and cargo around the globe. '

Sporting Spaces

by Antique Collectors' Club

Published 1 January 1999
Vast amounts of money are poured into the facilities in which our athletes compete. This translates into spectacular arenas, perhaps the modern day equivalent to temples for the Gods! Several hundred photographs illustrating football and athletic stadiums; water sports; court sports; racing tracks and velodromes; golf links; and, a variety of auxiliary spaces.