The Man For Maggie

by Frances Housden

Published 15 February 2002

Maggie Kovacs was the most enchanting woman Detective Max Strachan had ever met. She was also the most eccentric. Or was she? Max soon realized that the nighttime visions Maggie claimed she saw supplied him with details that only the police- and a cunning serial killer- could possibly know....

A no-nonsense lawman like Max was the last person Maggie would have imagined turning to for support, let alone romance. Incredibly, the skeptical sergeant might just be the man of her dreams. But could he possibly save her from what she saw in them?

Love Under Fire

by Frances Housden

Published 1 August 2002

Two years ago Rowan McQuaid paid the ultimate price when he took a bullet meant for fellow cop Jo Jellic, causing permanent damage to both himself and his career.

Now Rowan had arrived in the town of Nicks Landing to investigate an insurance claim and was standing face-to-face with the woman whose life he'd never regretted saving. In the time since he'd last seen her, Jo had gone from beautiful to stunning, making their professional relationship fraught with a powerful, sizzling attraction.

And as they tracked a criminal hell-bent on revenge, Rowan found himself struggling to keep his feelings under wraps and his passion for his partner from bursting into flames.