Book 1

Light of Eidon

by Karen Hancock

Published 1 June 2003
Book 1 of Legends of the Guardian King which follows the life of Abramm Kalladorne in his turbulent search for truth and self--a search that will transform him from a sickly, head-in-the-clouds youth to a legendary hero of strength and courage. Set in a world of swords and cloaks, of glittering palaces and mystical temples, of galley ships and ancient, mist-bound cities, his journey illustrates how God pursues and how He uses suffering to mold His children into something greater than was ever thought possible. Written by Karen Hancock, the acclaimed author of Arena.

Book 2

The Shadow Within

by Karen Hancock

Published 1 August 2004
Legends of the Guardian King, book 2, from the award-winning author of Arena. Karen Hancock brings to imaginative life the supernatural battle between good and evil, the preconceptions that keep us from embracing truth, and the distortions that trick and trap us. Four years have passed since the conclusion of The Light of Eidon. Abramm has been living peacefully abroad, but when he hears of trouble in his homeland, he returns to claim the crown he thought he'd never wear. But he has many enemies, including his murderous brother. The only thing that will save him is the Light that lives within him, but to appease his critics, he hides this. Before he can fulfill his kingship, he must reveal the truth and be reminded, painfully and powerfully, that his destiny can only be realized through humbly acknowledging his own weakness and the utter sufficiency of the One who created his destiny in the first place.

Book 3

Shadow Over Kiriath

by Karen Hancock

Published 1 November 2005
Legends of the Guardian King Book 3- Karen Hancock has created a beautiful and powerful fantasy series that continues to win new readers and remind them of who holds their hopes and victories in His hands. In Abramm's world, God is close to his followers, evil takes many forms, and one must believe in the light to see the darkness. While Abramm's coronation is still underway, rival leaders are already plotting their return to power.Worse yet, as the hour approaches for Abramm's marriage to the Chesedhan crown princess--required to seal the desperately needed alliance between their two countries--he finds himself deeply attracted to her younger sister. Will Eidon give Abramm ultimate victory, or will his enemies succeed in destroying him and his beloved realm?

Book 4

The powerful finale to the Christy Award-winning novels in the LEGENDS OF THE GUARDIAN-KING series

Believed dead by all but the handful of supporters who rescued him from his Mataian enemies, Abramm Kalladorne has fled his homeland to the high mountains of northern Chesedh. Traveling under a new name with a group of bitter and increasingly desperate fellow exiles, Abramm hopes to reunite with his wife in Chesedh, where he will offer his services to her father in fighting the invading armies of the Black Moon. But with every step he is hindered, delayed, and diverted from the direction he desires to go, and it soon becomes clear Eidon has other plans for him.

In the royal city of Fannath Rill, Maddie alone believes Abramm still lives. But since she has no proof, her friends, family, and public opinion press her to remarry. With its neighboring realms now under enemy control, Chesedh has become the last bastion of Eidon's Light. Desperately overmatched, it cannot survive on its own. Yet the rich, handsome eastern warlord who is openly courting Maddie has a vast fleet of galley ships that could turn the tide in Chesedh's favor....