Do you ever feel like your emotions are out of your control? Is it hard for you to make friends, get a date, or get along with your parents? You aren’t alone. For some people, good relationships seem to come easily. But if you are like many others, you may need a little help. This book offers evidence based strategies you can use to take control of your emotions and reactions in order to respond effectively to peer pressure, bullying, cyberbullying, and gossip, allowing you to navigate the many social issues that make these years so challenging.

This book outlines three core skills to help you manage your emotions and create better relationships. First, you’ll discover how mindfulness can help you face each life experience with awareness and acceptance. Second, you’ll find more effective ways of communicating with others so you can develop healthier, more balanced relationships. Finally, you’ll learn powerful skills to regulate your emotions so you don’t end up taking things out on the people you care about. With these combined skills, you'll learn how to act in healthier ways so you don't end up pushing people away.

Like most teens, you want to make and keep friends. You also want to date! And you’d probably like to have a good relationship with your parents. This book will give you the skills to reach these goals and live a happier, more fulfilling life —well beyond your teen years. Why not get started now?

As a teen, you're experiencing intense changes in your life-both physically and mentally. To top it off, you're probably unsure of how to handle your emotions in a positive, constructive way. Surviving the Emotional Roller Coaster offers evidence-based techniques to help you regulate your emotions and find balance in all areas of life- whether it's at home, at school, or with friends and peers. By learning to be more aware of your emotions, you'll be able to let difficult feelings pass without reacting to them in destructive ways.

You will also learn the four basic DBT skills to help you manage your emotions: core mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. You'll discover how to apply these skills to help deal with a number of negative emotions, such as low self-esteem, anger, anxiety, depression, and more. By changing the way you react to your emotions and to others, you'll be able to build better relationships and feel more confident as a result.

If you're ready to understand and better manage your feelings, stop acting on impulses, and calm yourself in moments of emotional stress, this book will show you how.