Christian Character

by Mr Peter Scazzero and Andrea Sterk

Published 1 September 1989
We can all name some 'heroes of the faith' whose life stories impact us - Martin Luther, John Wesley, Eric Liddell, Billy Graham, Mother Teresa - and for these there are millions of godly men and women who have died in virtual obscurity, yet their Christlike character has shaped the history of the Church. What about us? What standard do we aspire to? Are we hungry and thirsty for holy living? This study guide is designed to help us grow in godly character. Some sessions deal with the basic, yet profound truths of the Christian life - others focus on the qualities of the true disciple.

More. Better. Quicker. Richer. Are the values of our consumer society invading the Church? Are we looking for overnight success in following Jesus? For instant godliness? Discipline is not a popular word today. But the disciplined Christian life produces a depth which is life-enhancing - bringing joy and freedom. "Christian Disciplines" looks not only at the foundational disciplines of the Christian life - the 'quiet time', prayer, worship and Bible study - but other crucial disciplines such as evangelism, giving, social justice, time management and mission.