Seven Gothic Tales

by Isak Dinesen

Published May 1969
Originally published in 1934, Seven Gothic Tales, the first book by "one of the finest and most singular artists of our time" (The Atlantic), is a modern classic. Here are seven exquisite tales combining the keen psychological insight characteristic of the modern short story with the haunting mystery of the nineteenth-century Gothic tale, in the tradition of writers such as Goethe, Hoffmann, and Poe.

Winter's Tales

by Isak Dinesen

Published 1 October 1961
If one theme unifies the 11 tales collected here, it is that of longing. Written after her return from Kenya and during the dark days of the Nazi occupation, they derive their themes and locales from Isak Dinesen's childhood in Denmark. Isak Dinesen was the pen-name of Karen Blixen, who was born in Rungsted, Denmark in 1885. After studying art at Copenhagen, Paris and Rome, she married her cousin, Baron Bror Blixen-Finecke, in 1914. Together they went to Kenya to manage a coffee plantation. After their divorce in 1921, she continued to run the plantation until a collapse in the coffee market forced her back to Denmark in 1931.

Last Tales

by Isak Dinesen and Karen Blixen

Published 12 November 1957
Twelve tales, the last that Isak Dinesen wrote before her death in 1962.

From the author of the timeless classic Out of Africa: five hauntingly evoked, sensuously realized stories and a novella “that belong in that special realm in which artistry is more real than reality” (TIME). • Ehrengard is Now a Netflix Film.

“Dinesen’s stories are the work of a writer with a powerful imagination and a shrewd intelligence.” —The New York Times Book Review

In the classic “Babette’s Feast,” a mysterious Frenchwoman prepares sumptuous feast for a gathering of religious ascetics and, in doing so, introduces them to the true essence of grace. In “The Immortal Story,” a miserly old tea-trader living in Canton wishes for power and finds redemption as he turns an oft-told sailors’ tale into reality for a young man and woman. And in the magnificent novella Ehrengard, Dinesen tells of the powerful yet restrained rapport between a noble Wagnerian beauty and rakish artist.

Out of Africa

by Isak Dinesen

Published 23 October 1989
With classic simplicity and a painter's feeling for atmosphere and detail, Isak Dinesen tells of the years she spent from 1914 to 1931 managing a coffee plantation in Kenya.