Book 1


by J. Robert Janes

Published 10 February 1992
A puzzling death is the catalyst for the forging of an unlikely partnership. Jean-Louis St-Cyr of the Surete Nationale and Hermann Kohler of the Gestapo are drawn together by a young boy's murder. But to catch the criminal they must themselves avoid the interference of the authorities.

Book 2


by J. Robert Janes

Published 12 October 1992
Law enforcement's odd couple, St-Cyr of the Surete Nationale and Kohler of the Gestapo, are called to a crime scene. There they discover the first of three murders that have no apparent connection but are too close together to be mere coincidence. What links the three corpses?

Book 3


by J. Robert Janes

Published 5 July 1993

Book 4


by J. Robert Janes

Published 21 February 1994

Book 5


by J. Robert Janes

Published 19 September 1994
Hundreds of photographs of young women, all naked and obviously terrified, are found scattered on the floor of a deserted house, among them a picture of 18-year-old Joanne Labelle. St-Cyr and Kohler, brought in to investigate, soon find themselves caught in a race against time to find Joanne.

Book 6


by J. Robert Janes

Published 20 March 1995
January 1943. A body is found, covered by a shabby square of faded sail cloth. The victim is a shopkeeper and the suspect, a U-Boat Kapitan, a hero and protege of Admiral Doenitz and a dollmaker. The motive seems to be a matter of 300,000 marks, but all is not as it at first seems.

Book 7


by J. Robert Janes

Published 25 September 1995
Each year she took the same trip. Always on the same date. Always to the same place. The climb to the cave and afterwards a shower under the waterfall, but now the blowflies rise above her mutilated corpse.

Book 8


by J. Robert Janes

Published 16 September 1996

Book 8


by J. Robert Janes

Published 7 October 1999
St-Cyr and Kohler are shipped out to Avignon to investigate the violent death of a young aristocrat: she was a singer aspiring to join the Madrigal group. Amidst a heady brew of sex, politics and professional jealousy, St-Cyr must discover the truth - with some help from the dead.

Book 9


by J. Robert Janes

Published 30 June 1997

Book 11


by J. Robert Janes

Published 15 February 2001
The unlikely duo Detectives St-Cyr and Kohler are back in Paris after Madrigal, a strange and dangerous case in Avignon. But immediately they return, they are investigating a missing shipment of honey. The signals coming down from high are ominous - important interests are involved. And why honey? Because a beekeeper in Belleville has been murdered; and the new widow has connections she would rather not go into. Before long, the ramifications of this case stretch all the way to Switzerland, and to Stalingrad, graveyard to Hitler's war effort...

Book 13


by J. Robert Janes

Published 1 January 2012
In a resort town turned internment camp, a female prisoner is brutally murdered

Before the war, the hotels of Vittel hosted the wealthiest members of French society. Now, in the winter of 1943, two of France's most luxurious resorts have been converted into an internment camp for British and American women who failed to escape the country when the German army stormed across the border. For two years, the prisoners have lived quietly, surviving on Red Cross aid packages, but now they are beginning to die. An American woman is found stabbed through the heart with a pitchfork. By the time inspectors Jean-Louis St-Cyr and Hermann Kohler arrive from Paris, rigor mortis and the February frost have frozen her solid. In her pockets are Cracker Jacks and Hershey bars--bribes intended for one of the guards. To bring justice to Vittel, St-Cyr and Kohler will have to unravel the conspiracy that is at the heart of this luxurious, elegant hell.

Book 14


by J. Robert Janes

Published 1 January 2013
A series of interlocking crimes send St-Cyr and Kohler into the heart of the Parisian underworld

It is February 1943, and Paris is under a blackout. For three years, the French inspector Jean-Louis St-Cyr and Hermann Kohler of the Gestapo have investigated the mundane violence of Nazi-occupied France, but never have they experienced such a cold, sleeting winter. While investigating a burgled stamp collector's shop, they get a call telling them that they went to the wrong crime scene-they were supposed to have been sent to comfort a woman who was attacked for running around with Nazis and their collaborators. The rapist's timing was perfect-so perfect that the two detectives wonder if they were deliberately sent to the wrong place.

They next follow up on a tip about a body dumped in a cellar. The young man they find has been stripped naked, savagely murdered, and left to rot. Was he a homosexual? A pimp? A Resistance fighter? Theft, murder, rape-conspiracy. It is just another night in Paris under the Nazis.

Book 15


by J. Robert Janes

Published 1 January 2014
Amid the ruins of an abandoned Alsatian carnival, St-Cyr and Kohler investigate a pair of suspicious suicides
During the Great War, Hermann Kohler and Jean-Louis St-Cyr fought in Alsace on opposite sides of the barbed wire. Two decades later, they return as partners: a Gestapo officer and a French cop investigating everyday crimes in a world gone mad with war. In February 1943, Alsace is unrecognizable-an occupied country where speaking French is all it takes to lose one's freedom. St-Cyr and Kohler have been summoned to a POW camp where soldiers and resistants manufacture textiles on the grounds of a deserted carnival. Where industry and warfare overlap, they will find a conspiracy worthy of the most twisted house of mirrors.
Two prisoners of this garish, decrepit circus have killed themselves, and the jailers must at least make a show of finding out why. Although the trenches of the Great War are long gone, St-Cyr and Kohler find that in Alsace, the fires of battle smolder still.

Book 16


by J. Robert Janes

Published 21 July 2015
A hijacked delivery vehicle draws St-Cyr and Kohler back to the killing fields of World War I

The last time Jean-Louis St-Cyr visited the ruins of this ancient abbey, during one of the bloodiest campaigns of the Great War, a sniper nearly killed him. Three decades later, death has brought him here again. Ever since the German occupation of France, the chief inspector has worked alongside German detective inspector Hermann Kohler, solving crimes too common to pique the Gestapo's interest. Now, during the fall of 1943, the war is going badly for the Third Reich, but conflicts continue to plague these two unlikely allies.

A bank-owned cargo van is parked near the crumbling monastery, its contents ransacked, its passengers murdered. The killers took small bills but left behind a bounty in smuggled champagne, cheese, and coffee. Even more confounding is the expensive pair of high heels left behind. Were the thieves from the Resistance, or from the underworld? Who is the mysterious woman who was wearing those shoes? St-Cyr and Kohler have a feeling that the answers are hiding in the cold French rain.


by J. Robert Janes

Published 16 May 2002
It's February 1943 and the famous old spa town of Vichy, France, has been closed for the duration of the German occupation. All the grand hotels are taken up by the Government of Marechal Petain, but corruption and murder reach into its highest levels. Detectives Jean-Louis St-Cyr and Hermann Kohler are summoned from Paris by Premier Pierre Laval who is desperate for outside assistance: Flykiller slays mistress of high-ranking Government employee. Murder follows murder, but is The Flykiller guilty or has he or she used the murders to focus on the corruption? Is there a threat to Petain's life and that of the Government itself? Set against the oppressive backdrop of a captive society, this latest novel follows Beekeeper in an astonishingly original and gripping series of crime novels.