Excavating the Past
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Excavating The Past: The Viking World Paperback
Published 20 July 2005
Contents: The Viking Age (Learning more from archaeology); Viking Society (The Oseberg ship burial, Rich and poor, How society was governed, Discovering Thingvellir, Law, crime, and punishment, Religion); Daily Life (Discovering Brattahlid, Food and farming); Trade and Towns (Discovering Birka, Town life); Vikings at War (Discovering Repton, Warriors and weapons); Ships and Seafaring (Discovering Roskilde, Shipbuilding and navigation, Vikings around the world, Discovering L’Anse-aux-Meadows); Art, Learning, and Religion (Discovering Gotland, Gods and goddesses, The arrival of Christianity, Discovering Jelling, Runes and writing); Archaeology Today; Timeline of the Viking Age; Timeline of Viking Archaeology.