Hunters of the Deep

by Matthew Rake

Published 4 April 2017
Hunters of the Deep...This book features ten prehistoric animals that are similar to and resemble ones we find today. Similar they may be but a Sea Scorpion with claws the size of a tennis racket, measuring up to 2.5m (8ft) long, is not something you would want to see when you next go snorkeling in the sea! If Prehistoric Beasts Were Here Today.... Dinosaurs have captured the headlines as the most exciting animals to roam the Earth over the past 250 million years. This series however, focuses on a host of animals that preceded, lived alongside and survived them for nearly 500 million years. In order to bring these creatures to life they are shown in modern day environments, providing a real sense of scale. An area of natural history not usually written about but is equally as exciting as dinosaurs themselves.

Earth's Giants

by Matthew Rake

Published 4 April 2017
Earth s Giants...This book features ten prehistoric giants that are similar to and resemble ones we find today. Similar they may be but a giant ape (Gigantopithecus) is somewhat bigger than any primate you may have seen to date. There is no tree big enough for this beast to climb he weighs in at 540kg (1,190Ib) and is 3m (10ft) tall! If Prehistoric Beasts Were Here Today.... Dinosaurs have captured the headlines as the most exciting animals to roam the Earth over the past 250 million years. This series however, focuses on a host of animals that preceded, lived alongside and survived them for nearly 500 million years. In order to bring these creatures to life they are shown in modern day environments, providing a real sense of scale. An area of natural history not usually written about but is equally as exciting as dinosaurs themselves.

Savage Predators

by Matthew Rake

Published 4 April 2017
Savage Predators...This book features ten prehistoric animals that are similar to and resemble ones we find today. Similar they may be but a Smilodon or Sabre-toothed tiger is a bit bigger than the cats we are used to. He weighs in at 225kg (500 Ib) with long canine teeth that would have most animals today running for cover! If Prehistoric Beasts Were Here Today.... Dinosaurs have captured the headlines as the most exciting animals to roam the Earth over the past 250 million years. This series however, focuses on a host of animals that preceded, lived alongside and survived them for nearly 500 million years. In order to bring these creatures to life they are shown in modern day environments, providing a real sense of scale. An area of natural history not usually written about but is equally as exciting as dinosaurs themselves.

Incredible Animals

by Matthew Rake

Published 4 April 2017
Incredible Animals from our Past...This book features ten prehistoric animals that are similar to and resemble ones we find today. Similar they may be but a Mega Rodent is somewhat bigger than a rat at 3m (10ft) long and when shown in the modern environment it becomes clear that you wouldn t want this creature in your back garden! If Prehistoric Beasts Were Here Today.... Dinosaurs have captured the headlines as the most exciting animals to roam the Earth over the past 250 million years. This series however, focuses on a host of animals that preceded, lived alongside and survived them for nearly 500 Million years. In order to bring these creatures to life they are shown in modern day environments, providing a real sense of scale. An area of natural history not usually written about but is equally as exciting as dinosaurs themselves.