Bible Facts and Figures

by Tim Dowley

Published 1 June 2002
How many double-decker buses could have fit into Noah's Ark? Which Bible character is mentioned most times in Scripture? Where should you look in your Bible when you need peace? Who were the judges of Israel, and what did they do? Answers to all these fascinating questions and many more are to be found in this treasury of Biblical information, designed for beginners, but useful for all students of the Bible.

Bible Atlas

by Tim Dowley

Published 1 January 1990
The Bible is full of journeys, from Abraham's epic journey from Ur to the Land of Canaan, to the Hebrew's journey from slavery in Eqypt to the Promised Land. But what exactly was Mesopotamia, and where did Moses cross the Red Sea? This unique guide answers these questions, along with many others, using more than 30 colourful maps to provide an accessible backdrop to the Bible narrative.