OpenVMS System Management Guide, Second Edition, the most complete book on the topic, details for system administrators the tools, technologies, and techniques by which they can configure, maintain, and tune computers running Hewlett-Packard's high-performance OpenVMS operating system. Revised by a topical authority and a principal OpenVMS engineer, the book enables system administrators to perform more efficiently and effectively those everyday tasks critical to an OpenVMS system. Examples have been updated to include OpenVMS/VAX 7.3 and OpenVMS/Alpha 7.3-1.

Getting Started with OpenVMS System Management gives new VMS system managers a jumpstart in managing this powerful and reliable operating system. Dave Miller describes the essentials of what an OpenVMS System Manager will have to manage. He defines areas of OpenVMS System Management and describes why each is important and how it fits into the larger management task. Even though some OpenVMS management concepts are unique (for instance quotas), many concepts (such as account creation) have counterparts in UNIX and Windows NT. So, wherever possible, Miller points out to his readers the parallel to other systems.

The book is intended as a precursor to Baldwin's OpenVMS System Management Guide and various OpenVMS documents. Thus it refers the reader to other books for the detailed management steps. Getting Started with OpenVMS System Management is a great introduction to the material Steve Hoffman and Dave Miller are revising for the OpenVMS System Management Guide, 2E.