Your complete guide to planning the primary curriculum. Part 1 presents samples of curriculum maps and plans for the Foundation Stage, KS1 and KS2. Part 2 deals with whole school management and the incorporation if the Foundation Stage. Includes briefing papers for subject co-ordinators.

Presents science targets derived from the National Curriculum Programmes of Study for science, for curriculum planning and target setting in Key Stages 1 and 2. This title includes the text on CD RoM.

Planning guidance for presenting a curriculum which simultaneously addresses Early Learning Goals while meeting National Curriculum objectives for Years 1 and 2

Many classes have children from different year groups and some have children who may be in Y1 but are not yet ready for the curriculum for their year. These books, devised by teachers, contain respectively two and three tear cycles for topics to meet curriculum objectives for the Foundation...Read more

Many classes have children from different year groups and some have children who may be in Y1 but are not yet ready for the curriculum for their year. These books, devised by teachers, contain respectively two and three tear cycles for topics to meet curriculum objectives for the Foundation...Read more