The rate of change in today’s regulatory environment can make it challenging to stay current on the topics affecting the accounting profession. Keep abreast of the fast-paced changes in accounting and auditing in this comprehensive book that provides information critical to an accountant’s success. This book covers relevant pronouncements,...

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Are your accounting and auditing skills up-to-date and on-par with industry standards? This guide provides updates on the latest standards, including accounting, auditing, compilation, preparation, and review. It covers important industry changes such as revenue recognition, leases, financial instruments, and SASs, and includes practical applications for each, to help...

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Keep abreast of the fast-paced changes in accounting and auditing with relevant pronouncements, exposure drafts, and other guidance recently issued in the accounting, auditing, compilation, preparation, and review arenas. This book will help accountants and financial managers sort through the most recent accounting and auditing complexities so they can...

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