This book, first published in 1964, is devoted to Thomas Nashe. Shakespeare's plays have many apparent echoes of his matter and style; he was one of the most adventurous and successful of those who tried to explore the possibilities of the language and to embellish it was an eloquence both learned and popular. Moreover, he is a conscientious and delighted portrayer of the London of his time; he combines the interests of a Mayhew with the exuberance of a Dylan Thomas. This book will be of interest to students of literature.

First published in 1988, Perymedes and the Blacksmith and Pandosto by Robert Greene: A Critical Edition considers two prose works by Robert Greene - Perymedes the Blacksmith and Pandosto - alongisde a critical commentary, including, in relation to Perymedes the Blacksmith, an examination of Perymedes as a framework tale and an exploration of the poems, and, in relation to Pandosto, a consideration of the analogues and sources and the popularity of Pandosto.